There will be no foolish wand waving in this class...

2004-03-26 / 9:12 p.m.


I've gotten addicted to the whole diary rings thing. I have joined tons of them today. I have a whole page dedicated to the little banners. Its like a page with illustrations of all my favorite things. It amuses me greatly.

Last night Daniel, Liz and I watched leno for the clay aiken performance on the phone together. I didnt even know phones still had three-way calling. It was so high school, but so fun. We laughed and joked and of course enjoyed Clay. INBRED MY ASS!!! How can someone look inbred? I mean maybe if they have extra fingers or something...anyway Zipper is insane.

So Daniel is definitely coming to see me. Hopefully soon. I think it would be a blast. I can only imagine the fun we will have. We are crazy seperately but put us together and BAM!! Its like Emeril gone bad. We reek havoc on a very unsuspecting populus. Ok so maybe that is a bit of an overstatement but still... you get the point.

My mom's gone all crazy again. You know the drill, blah, blah blah you dont love me blah blah blah. No mom I only spend every weekend with you, and run stupid errands and call you every night TWICE, but I dont love you. I think I am a good daughter, but liz is right: it is an inner rage....:) I was chatting with Bri and he tried to make me laugh and he was sweet and it was cute and then he had to be kinda jerky again. I'm not moving to nebraska right now so the whole point is moot(side note: do you like that I have mangaged to use the word moot twice in a journal enrty this week? I do. It is a very underrated word) but no one wants to here that someone will live with you but dont expect them to pay half the bills. Am i living in the dark ages? Has feminism reached the point where we support men now? If so I resign, I want to be supported anyway. My greatest dream is to be a housewife with children. I want to be the PTA mom, who always has fresh cookies and a beautiful house. I want to be Martha Stewart. Well not her right now, but you get the idea. Anyway I'm not mad because it was all fantasy talk for now anyway but still...I'm no fool (anymore) I'm not supprting anybody...except maybe clay...hahaha

Seacrest Out!

cabbages and kings