Ian and Brain sittin' in a tree

2004-04-29 / 11:01 p.m.


Man the X-Men DVD must have 42 hundred hours of X-tra's!! (hahaha notice that I used X to start extra..nevermind) Anyway Liz and I watched another hour of them, and we still have a ton to go, plus that damn commentary track. After I'm done with it I will write one long opinionated entry disecting the DVD. I think in a former life I was some sort of critic. Not a bad one, I think this DVD gets a good review but we all remember my recent rant on Midways Mortal Kombat. GRRR.

CSI and WAT were of course excellent. Anthony's new haircut was all sorts of spiffy.

Elizabeth and I want to start a punk band called the Hugh Jckmans. I think it would rock. I've wanted to start a punk band before but I couldnt find anyone to do it with. I can sing so I would be lead singer and Liz wants to play bass. SHe also wants to write songs which is good because I dont know how great I'd be at punk music lyrics. Although I think I have one written somewhere that actually was pretty decent. Now if only I knew someone who could write MUSIC. Damn Mr. bertman and his 2 years of theory that taught me all about how sexy he was nad not about theory. Not that it was his fault. THat jewish gay man was just too beautiful for me to concentrate during class. HAHAA! Just kidding I actually learned a lot from him, but it mostly related to classical music and its about gone from my memory banks. THe old file cabinet is getting dusty...(Haha) So if anyone wants to help just let us know. We will hold auditions soon. Oh and our first 3 albums will be named: Scott, Cyclops, and Marsden. Shut-up all of you. Its clever damn it. I will hear none of this.

So I think the insomnia is almost over. I can feel my eyes slowly closing...and I was just getting used to those productive 2am cleaning sessions.

cabbages and kings