A poor republican is an (oxy)-moron

2004-07-27 / 11:37 p.m.

Listening:: DNC clips
Playing:: DNC clips
Reading:: about the DNC!!!

Favorite moment of Hilary Clinton's speech at the DNC: When she took the podium and she had to yell her opening words due to the chanting of her name by the excited crowds. I wish I could have been there. She truly is an amazing woman. And to all you naysayers out there who dont love her...do some research. Think about why you dont. Her health care plan? Well let me tell you folks; working in a pharmacy has only made me see just how asinine the Republican "drug card" is. HAHAHA it helps no one. The major drug companies dont support it, and drugs are too expensive for the average person to afford them. I know what we pay, and it is unethical. The brand of birth control that my doctor prefers me to take costs my PHARMACY over 30 dollars a pack. I need 12 a year, and I dont have that kind of money to throw around. Thats not the consumer cost, either.

Maybe its Hilary's whitewater scandal. I guess it looks crooked when you and your family loses 300,000 dollars. I mean obviously you were in some sort of crooked scheme to LOSE that much money.

I guess I'm just angry at stupidity. A lady in class was talking about how she loves Ruth Bader Ginsberg and how she hated that Hilary was a role model for young women when there were women out there like Ginsberg. I like Ginsberg; she is a great woman. But this stupid lady starts talking about how Ruth Bader Ginsberg graduated top in her law class and what has Hilary done? Oh I dont know...the SAME FUCKING THING! I mean you are welcome to your opinion, but base it on something, not on something you think you know. Oh and if crazy ass Christ-Margaret decides to go around mumbling about Kerry and his wife one more time she wont have to worry about stigmata...I'm gonna go postal and kill her.

I watched most of the clips from the DNC, I just wished that when I heard Hilary say that she has the pleasure of introducing the last great democratic president but first she wanted to say a few words about the next great democratic president...John Kerry I kept hoping she would say her name instead. OH did you catch Jimmy Carter? I LOVE that man. I think he is one of the truly great men left in this world. A true gentleman, and an unselfish humanitarian, we should all look up to.

cabbages and kings