Welcome to Piss Town---pop. 2

2004-08-22 / 3:23 p.m.

Listening:: Postal Service-the district sleeps alone tonight
Playing:: at home ownership!!
Reading:: lease agreements

YOu know what sucks more than a house that stinks like cat piss? When its not your cats piss. Oh thats right folks, my new house smells. bad. We shampooed...I really thought that would work. Boy was I wrong. My parents are freaking out. I understand, we are paying a whole lot of money to be living in piss city which is now how I will refer to my room. But its going to be alright. My mom was like fine if they dont replace the carpet I will fucking replace the carpet and you wont pay the last months rent in return for my favor. I understand being cheap and all, but come on people...PISS!!! Its a very distinctive odor. I can deal with the gaping holes in the carpet in the closet but not the PISS!!!! Ok I feel better. A little.

I am fixing to head over and shelve paper some more. I dont know what trash lived there before us, but I think they vomited on the walls and never trimmed a tree once. Dad and I trimmed trees this morning after a nice family IHOP breakfast. Ok so he trimmed trees and I ran around stacking limbs. I helped damn it. Plus he took down the hideous closet doors. Who puts accordion doors on a barbie sized closet? Fools.

I should have gone to church today. I had this interesting conversation with Elizabeth recently about "youthing" up churches. We both agree, no. My God is an angry vengeful God. None of this everyone participate and God loves all. No its hell, fire and brimstone for me, thank you very much. The human race messed up with Adam and Eve and we will pay for it forever. Original sin folks...God just tolerates you. And yes everything you do is a sin, all you can do is hope that Gods in a good mood when you die.

Oh and yay I get to go finance furniture tomorrow. I love being poor. I put up my credit cards only to open a new line of credit with rooms to go...ironic huh?

cabbages and kings