"It's just I think my body likes you more than any body should, your body likes me too.."

2004-11-24 / 5:26 p.m.

Listening:: old 97's--Eyes for You

Is it sad that you want sex a whole lot more after having it recently? Its like I didnt realize what I was missing. Damn that boy! I just keep chanting 31 days till christmas...
Speaking of Brian, he is still being super sweet now that I am back home. I love this. I love being happy. I wonder if its normal to just think of someone and smile. Gosh I'm such a sap. :) But thats ok because he is too, he just won't admit it.
Work has been so shitty lately. Two people quit today. Marissa, but thats ok because she had an attitude problem, Ana G.'s cousin or not. Also the new girl of 2 days never came back from lunch, she said she just didnt know how we did it all day long and she didnt know if she would come back. Guess she made up her mind. On the plus side the hillbilly enchiladas were a huge hit. Everyone has been begging for the recipe. TEEHEE!! I should really cook more often. I am just lazy. Maybe if someone will support me I would stay at home and be a Stepford Wife...my life long ambition.
OK I have way too much to do before Danny gets here so I am wrapping this sucker up...Hope everyone who reads this has a great Thanksgiving!!

cabbages and kings