get your highschool update right here!

2004-12-16 / 12:13 p.m.


Sigh...I feel unloved. No particular reason...I just need lots of attention. But thats ok. I think that this weekend I am going to hybernate like no other. I have lots of things I want to get done, like an algebra study schedule and some cleaning. Have to clean and have to learn enough algebra so I dont run out of class screaming the first day in college algebra next semester. Speaking of school, this semester is over! I talked to my oh so awesome Brit Lit teacher and told him I would see him for world lit next semester since there was no brit lit II offered. He explained why which is a really boring and irrelavant story so if you are curious ask me later.
Michael and I went to IHOP after our exams. It was nice and the french toast was fabulous. It was nice to sit and have a conversation with him. I think he is a little hurt still over new years but he shouldnt be. Its not about him or me choosing spending time with Brian over him, its just me trying my bestest to make something work. I never get to see Bri so if he is in town I want to spend every minute I can with him. On a weird note, Michael is friends with one of my ex boyfriend's best friend, who is the big sister of one of our former friends and I went to high school with all of them. That is so convaluted sorry. Anyway turns out ex Brandon and his friend Bobby (ex highschool stalker) where at Michael's friends Amy's birthday party this weekend. Bobby and Brandon know Michael from a short lived span a few years ago when Brandon and i tried to get back together or something like that. All I really remember is I started dating his friend Chad to piss him off and I got a Saturn out of the deal. So they talked about me and Brandon got my phone number so maybe he'll give me a call. I always had fun with Brandon, we didn't end bad or anything and we were never serious. Just one of those things when you are in highschool and you want a boyfriend to be cool or something, we definitely made better freinds. Turns out Brandon loves the old 97's too, so converstaion quickly turned to that and Amy is a lesbian now and Bobby is still not out of the closet. And that is your Haltom highschool update for today.
Ok well I have to go to work now. YAY for work!! At least I close with Glynn tonight, and Charlotte is the computer tech. Maybe if Scrooge doesnt close we can turn on the Christmas music.

cabbages and kings